Finding Your Signature Sauce: How To Build A profitable Business Around Your Passion

No one wants to wake up every morning dreading his workplace or resenting his business. We all love to press our phones, relax over a bottle of wine, gisting and talking.

What if you can make money while having fun?

What is passion? Passion is a strong and barely controlling emotion. Personally, Passion is doing something that you can do, day in and out whether you are paid to do it or not.

So here is the question, what do you love to do?

What do you spend long hours doing that doesn’t bore you?

Right now, are you happy with your results? Would you love to grow doing what you do today? What do you spend long hours doing that doesn’t bore you right now?

Are you happy with your results? Would you love to grow doing what you do today? What you are doing right now is it evolving around your passion?

In what area/field would you love to make the greatest impact? What do you do best with least effort?

Now, after this these question process, try to understand if there are people willing to learn from you and also pay you, for this knowledge

Example, if you love singing and that is absolutely what you love to doing, how do you get to grow a business around your passion?


What is the ideal message, you are planning to pass across with this song?

Who is the target audience?

Who can listen to your song and resonate with you?

Who will your song minister to?

Create your music around this demography and sell your music to them.


  • What is your passion?
  • What is the message that you are trying to pass across with your passion?
  • Who is the target audience that needs to hear this message?
  • Which product /service can you render to this demography that can solve their problem and Viola! You have a profitable business around your passion.

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