STOP MAKING SALES HARD! 3 Simple Ways I used in Adding More Sales to My Business Last Week!

We all know that Sales is the Life blood of every business, As the world is thinking of ways to get better and move past the Covid-19 Pandemic…

It is important to think smart as an entrepreneur and do not forget to do these simple sales strategies…

They are SOME of the simple Sales Strategies I used and they work really well…

1. I Created a Landing Page and after the landing page, was my immediate upsell, so while I was busy doing other things, I was receiving credit alerts…

So, make it simple…

Create a landing page

Use your thank you page as an upsell to sell your bundle deals or a fast action take it now product…

All I did was to drive traffic to the landing page…

If you want to get ideas on how I did this…

Comment below and tell me, I can show you the landing page, so you can see a sample and get ideas for your upsell.

Lastly, don’t overcomplicate it…

I used a blog post for it, I didn’t have to use a fancy page… (I can edit it later)

Don’t complicate it.. okay?

No website?

Not techy?

No problem

Use Google (there are so many free tools you can use for thisπŸ‘)

2. I used my Email List: I didn’t actively sell…

I just reminded people through my nurture sequence to get the product and it worked!

So, don’t have an email list but you have a whatsapp group or contacts?

Use that!

Use what you have πŸ‘

3. I just Showed Up and because of this, it built the Know, Like and Trust Factor.

So, no matter where you are in your business right now…

show up with love and value in your heart and it will help you make more money…

I hope these points helped!

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