After Using Whatsapp to Make Millions Selling Different Products and Services

Here is my Simple Formula for Making Millions using Whatsapp, Increasing your Whatsapp Contacts and Turning your Status Viewers into Buyers...

You desire to make Millions every month when you sell your products and services using your whatsapp…

But right now, your whatsapp is filled with the same people who are watching but not buying as they should

Your status viewers is filled with the same people who always watch your status,  occasionally ask how much but they do not buy……oooof, how frustrating and annoying!

Your Whatsapp groups and broadcast list is filled with people who are not even opening your messages nor even buying your offers! 

If you are reading this right now, then i want to hand over to you the exact  secrets, i have used to grow my whatsapp contacts, make multiple 6-7 Figures from my whatsapp groups, convert my status viewers into buyers and how I use automations to scale my whatsapp marketing so it is faster and simple for me.

I want to reveal to you the secrets i have used to make strangers pay me from 1,000 up to a Million right from my whatsapp…Yes, you can use this strategy to sell your expensive products and services using whatsapp

I want to reveal to you The Exact Sales System and simple automations i have used to make multiple 6-7 Figures selling my products and services using whatsapp…..

I am talking about the exact sales systems most gurus are using to cash out on whatsapp but they will rather catch a tiger in the air than show you….

 I will show you some of the key strategies Here on this page and then if you think i have done a great job, i would love to invite you to my New Course where i will show you even deeper How you can make a Million in 90 Days or Less using your whatsapp, heck even in a month, week or day!


If yes, then let’s get started….

Some Clients used this framework and they started bringing sales consistently using whatsapp, see examples below….

After working with me, we focused on using whatsapp as her primary conversion platform and she made over 940,000 using her whatsapp and smartphone!

Mrs Bukola has started many businesses online to no avail…After working with me, i recommended whatsapp as the primary mode of conversion , she followed my framework and started bringing in sales… she made multiple 6 Figures selling a 1,000 naira  product… using her whatsapp and smartphone and she sent me the video below!

She sent me the video with these words attached….!

One of the biggest mistakes i see when it comes to whatsapp marketing that your gurus, coaches and the whatsapp courses you have is making is that they tell you the same thing which is ‘GENERATE LEADS’ and ask them to save your numbers and then you sell to them

Now, this is very good but the major problem with this is that it is NOT Sustainable…

Every Month or Day you start afresh looking for new leads, new sales and looking for new people to save your numbers, you might even slide into stranger’s inbox asking them to save your number with the hopes that when they watch your status they will buy, but most of them do not even buy from you nor watch your status….

Then every day, week or even month, you start afresh to sell over and over again, looking for people who will buy from you….

Now, these are 3 major ways I have used to turn my whatsapp into a cash generating asset that makes me multiple 6-7 Figures Per Week….

When i implemented this strategies i am about to share with you, i went from slow sales, low status views, slow conversions from my whatsapp to people paying me in millions to work with me!

Here is Some of the payment screenshots that came from sales received using whatsapp! From both low, mid and High Ticket Offers! Yes, you can sell products priced at $1 or N1,000 or 50k or even 500k and above on whatsapp and get paid! 

Now, i am about to share with you the Step by Step Framework to Selling out your Products and Services using Whatsapp:

Number 1)

Instead of Focusing on Generating Leads, I focus on Building a HOT Audience using my whatsapp and because of this singular focus, clients pay me as much as 500,000 to Millions to work with me…

I sell out my products both low ticket products, mid tickets and expensive products because I shifted from just Lead Generation to Building a HOT Audience when I generate my leads…

I focus on generating Leads with Purchase Intentions and then I turn them into a Hot Audience that continually buys from me…

I have several strategies in our whatsapp challenge course all about growing your whatsapp contacts with leads that has purchase intentions to buy from you…

When you do this correctly, you have your whatsapp growing with a hot audience who are interested in buying anything you are selling whether it is at a low price or a high price

Number 2)

The Second thing i did to Increase Conversions and make multiple 6-7 Figures per week using my whatsapp is The Customised Messaging Method: 

“When you understand how to use this Messaging method strategically, you turn one customer into a customer that buys everything you sell or they pay you more than once to work with you!” 

You can Increase Your whatsapp group Conversions and sales from your whatsapp status when you implement this messaging method effectively without been a content creator or dancing on your videos (except you love dancing)

In this method, you attract and compel people to buy from you, using your stories, your words, write ups, videos, audios, etc without feeling overwhelmed or stressed…

I will show you How to do this in our Whatsapp Challenge Course and the best part is that you do not need to post everyday to make sales….

Number 3)

Now, to the third and final strategy…

When, it comes to selling on whatsapp, there are 2 things you must not miss…

Most people majorly rely on posting on their status to sell or sending broadcast messages and posting in their whatsapp groups in order to sell which are all great and i recommend them… but they are posting and selling the wrong way on their whatsapp status, whatsapp groups and broadcast channels which leads to little or no sales…

However, when you implement The Offer Weave Method into your process, you will start making millions easily with your whatsapp status, broadcast channels and whatsapp groups

You will turn your status viewers into people who cannot help but buy your offers, products and services again and again

Using This method, i was able to make Millions in cash selling just ONE Product

I sold out a 50k Mastermind in 48 hours with 12 people using only whatsapp without running ads, without using fliers nor even shooting a single video

I made over 2.5 Million in cash from ONE Product using whatsapp without Ads!

I was able to turn a client into a  recurrent client

Even When, i use ads to sell a product, i always include whatsapp in order to increase my conversions!

You sell out your products and services like the big names in your industry when you effectively use The Offer Weave Method….

The other thing is AUTOMATIONS….

When you implement the strategies in The Whatsapp to Million 3 Days Challenge, you will have many more people reaching out to you to buy your products and services including your expensive high end products and this is why you need to automate the manual saving of contacts to avoid the overwhelm and stress… and it is NOT techy nor complicated at all to get started

This is where automations comes in and when you get this course right here, you will get access to a FREE Tool that will help you to automatically save contacts and send personalised messages….

Now, you know some of the Key things you need to make a Million in 90 days or less which includes:

1)Building A Hot Audience

2)A Customised Messaging Method and

3)The Offer Weave Method in order to increase your whatsapp conversions.

I know you might be wondering HOW do you implement this effectively to make millions in 90 Days  or less using your whatsapp?

This is where I come in….

I would love to Invite you to The 3 Days Whatsapp Challenge Called: From Whatsapp to Millions: How to Make a Million in 90 Days or Less using your whatsapp…

In this 3 Days Whatsapp Challenge, I will pull back the curtains and share with you step by step How you can actually start building a LONG TERM Sustainable Business using your whatsapp

You will immediately be able to:

1) Increase your whatsapp contacts using the strategies shared in the course

2) Increase your sales and conversions from your whatsapp groups, whatsapp status and using the whatsapp marketing strategies i will be sharing

3) automate some of your manual whatsapp activities like saving contacts manually … so you can save numbers automatically and you get this tool at no extra cost



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Get Access to Strategies, Trainings, Automation Tools for whatsapp, Plus More all for 3,500 only!

She said my whatsapp class "is one of the best if not the best"

When you understand how to use your whatsapp intentionally, you turn one customer into a customer that buys everything you sell or they pay you more than once to work with you!

This will work for you....

This is for you, if....


You will get:
👉 From Whatsapp to Millions: How to make 1 Million in 90 Days or Less using Whatsapp!
👉 How to grow your whatsapp contacts with ads and without Ads
👉 How to Increase your whatsapp status views to make more sales
👉 My Proven Lead Generation Strategies that will help you generate a Million in 90 Days or Less!
👉 Your Recurring Income Plan to Making a Million in 90 Days or Less!
👉 Your Daily Whatsapp Checklist Plan to hit a Million in 90 Days or Less!

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👉 A whatsapp automation tool that will help you send bulk personalized messages to anyone on whatsapp and you are getting it from me for FREE
👉 A whatsapp automation tool that will help you import numbers from anywhere whether your email list or ANY WHATSAPP group and send to them personalized messages ( I will show you how to use this ethically so you never spam anybody and it is with their permission and consent because I don’t like spammy messages and you shouldn’t as well) 
👉 You will use this whatsapp tool to create chatbots that will reply your customers while you sleep or you are busy 😳and you getting it from me for FREE???
👉 You will get access to this Whatsapp Tool that will help you automate your messages and reply customers automatically and you are getting this amazing tool for free from me 😳
Total Value for main class: 150,000 +
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Total Value for all: 200,000


But, you are not paying even quarter of this amount and yet I am giving you 10x more value, Impart and of course helping you increase sales!

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Join The 3 Days Whatsapp Challenge for $4 (N3,500) instead of $20 (N20,000)

Let me show you, How you can Make Millions in 90 Days or Less using Whatsapp

The Whatsapp Package

For the goal getters and action takers
$ 4/ N3,500
  • 👉 From Whatsapp to Millions: How to make 1 Million in 90 Days or Less using Whatsapp!
  • 👉 How to grow your whatsapp contacts with or without Ads
  • 👉 How to Increase your whatsapp status views to make more sales
  • 👉 My Proven Lead Generation Strategies that will help you generate a Million in 90 Days or Less!
  • 👉 Your Recurring Income Plan to Making a Million in 90 Days or Less!
  • 👉 Your Daily Whatsapp Checklist Plan to hit a Million in 90 Days or Less!
  • 👉 A whatsapp automation tool that will help you send bulk personalized messages to anyone on whatsapp and you are getting it from me for FREE
  • 👉 A whatsapp automation tool that will help you import numbers from anywhere whether your email list or ANY WHATSAPP group and send to them personalized messages ( I will show you how to use this ethically so you never spam anybody and it is with their permission and consent because I don't like spammy messages and you shouldn't as well)
  • 👉 You will use this whatsapp tool to create chatbots that will reply your customers while you sleep or you are busy 😳and you getting it from me for FREE???
  • 👉 You will get access to this Whatsapp Tool that will help you automate your messages and reply customers automatically and you are getting this amazing tool for free from me 😳
  • Total Value: Over 200,000



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Who is Winner Ezekiel Sunday?

✅️ I started off selling N1,000 courses on whatsapp and now we have closed deals worth Millions on Whatsapp…
✅️We started out with one customer paying 1,000 to work with me to One Customer paying in Millions to work with me…
✅️We started out with just generating Leads and Making Quick Sales, now we are focusing on generating Leads with purchase intention and Building a Sustainable Recurring Income Business that actually works for a long time!

I would love to show you How to do the same using your whatsapp….

I am Winner and i am on a BIG MISSION to put Big money into the hands of Good People!

From Whatsapp to Millions will show you How to Make a Million in 90 days or less using your whatsapp!

Frequently Asked Questions

Oh yes! If you are using a smartphone and you are connected to the internet and you have access to whatsapp, then you can use it to grow your business! 

I started using whatsapp when i started my business and i have sold both digital and physical products using whatsapp and made sales!

So, this can work for you whether you are just starting or has started already!

Yes, it will

I have sold Physical Products using whatsapp!

Whatsapp is one the fastest ways to convert a stranger online to buyers very fast and that is what i show you in The 3 Days Whatsapp Challenge!

I will show you How to Grow your Whatsapp with the right ideal client for your products and services!

This strategy works whether people has bought from you on whatsapp or not!

You have not tried The 3 Days Whatsapp Challenge yet!

Most Coaches and courses will tell you to generate leads and sell to them….

Instead i teach you How to Build a Hot Audience that buys what you sell no matter the price point.

I teach you How to build a recurring income business using whatsapp so you never start the month from zero ever again!

This Challenge is what you need to invest in if you are ready to start bringing sales for your business consistently….

Whether you are in Real Estate, Fashion, Food, Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing, Blogging, E-commerce, offering services like cleaning, solar, fumigations and e.t.c as long as your customers are using whatsapp, then this program will work for you!

If your clients use whatsapp, no matter your niche this program will work for you…

We have Network Marketers, Health Niche, Affiliate and Digital Marketers, Career Niches and so many other industries has taken this program and now it is your turn your whatsapp into consistent cash for your business!

Yes! it will work for you no matter your niche as long as your ideal customer uses whatsapp!

I have sold digital products and offered my services strategically using my whatsapp and it sells because i use my whatsapp sales system to build a Hot Audience with purchase intention and grow my business rapidly!

Let me show you How to do this no matter what you sell!


You just made a great Decision!

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Then Email us with your proof of payment at or and we will grant you access with more information on How to Access your Paid Product!

I cannot wait to show you How you can Turn your Whatsapp into a Profitable Sales Channel that make Sales for your Business!

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