Your Next Real Steps to Building a Profitable Business Online!

Often times we get lost in things we should or shouldn’t be doing

We act like we are running a to-do list instead of a real business.

We have a long list of things to do and then we end up NOT doing them or even making money from them…

I get it!

I get your need to do!

I even understand your need to DO EVERYTHING other than the main money-making activities that will get you the money you need to grow

Most entrepreneurs are so afraid or resistant to doing the things that really make them money.

Infact, to-do list is filled with non money making activities….

Will it be helpful if I spell 3 Key MONEY-MAKING Activities that you should be doing in your business to move your business forward???

Will that be helpful???


Then, Let’s get started

Step #1. Focus Intently on Building an audience that Know, Like and Trust You: I don’t know about you…

But, the only business that grows exponentially are the ones that focuses on building an audience.

Would it be helpful if I gave 2 examples for building an audience?Yes???

a) You can build an audience by engaging with other people online

People want attention.

People need to know that you are also seeing them. So, engage and reach out to other people.

b) You can build an audience by being the one that is willing to give out some of your best content for free.

2) Let’s talk about Nurturing, shall we???Once 1 person gives you attention…

OMG!!!Do you know what that means?It means someone that is so busy took out time, ( time is a very very important factor that you cannot get back in life)

Someone from his limited time on earth to engage with you…So many people look down on 1, 10, 15 people liking their content and even sending them messages…

They prefer that people just pay and so they get annoyed when people are just messaging them endlessly…

you wanna know what I think? I think conversations! I think engagement and I think human connection leads to more sales for you!

Imagine 10, 15 people in a physical room, listening to you and clapping for you…Suddenly that looks like a lot…

Why do you think 15 likes or less is not real?

I need you to focus on long term growth and not the short term.

Also,I want you to focus on Nurturing people and helping them know your views about life and help them reach their own destination faster…Teach, talk, Inspire, Preach, Sell, Engage and do all you can to nurture relationships with 1 or 1000 people…okay?

3. You have to make Selling Consistently a part of your Value Giving: It makes me extremely Sad to see people NOT sell consistently online and then wonder why nobody is buying or why they are not making money..Let me tell you!

Take out time, watch out for people that make money online …Guess what they are always doing??? I will tell ya

They are :

Building an audience,

Nurturing the audience and

Making offers to their audience…

Do you know why?

When people pay they pay attention!

Wanna know another reason?

A real transformation starts with a transaction!


Read that line again!!!

Now, What are 3 action steps I want you to do starting from today?

1. Build an audience or you can just start by engaging with other people and building the know, Like and Trust factor

2. Nurture that audience: help them solve a great need and then help them solve some more

Start by talking and teaching even more about what you already KNOW

3. Make offers and then make sure that paid content is a great transformational product and not fluff or copy and paste material

Withe these being said, I created a brand new program that will help you Launch your Online Business and start Making Sales from your business Online…

It is a 4 weeks Indepth Program that will help you create a profitable sales process that actually works and enrolls paying clients for you.

Click the “LEARN MORE” to enroll and join us on the Inside!

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